Karen Rita Rautenberg

About the Author

Karen Rita Rautenberg was a counselor, teacher and social worker. She is currently an author for children’s books. Karen Rita Rautenberg

Karen’s inspiration for her newest book, Ballerina Detective and the Missing Jeweled Tiara, was derived from her fascination with ballet since she was a child until its continued allure for her to this day. She was in awe of the gracefulness and athletic prowess of female and male ballet dancers and attended many ballet performances with its beautiful classical and modern music.

Basketball is a very exciting sport that many girls and boys like to participate in and go to their middle school and high school games. Karen always enjoyed watching school and professional basketball games. She also has had many exciting times skiing, which inspired her to write about Kayla and her friends’ adventures down the slopes. She loved her school plays and goes to off Broadway and Broadway shows, which motivated her to choose the original Princess and the Pirates school play for Kayla and her classmates to participate in. We all love stories about pirates like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

In order to write Ballerina Detective Karen decided to combine her unwavering interest in ballet with her love of mysteries. As a girl she read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and later she read Agatha Christie and many other mystery books. She was never an amateur detective, but she developed a good knack of solving problems like a detective.

Karen’s book Lady Lucy’s Gallant Knight was due to her always being enthralled with the Middle Ages. She loved watching movies and reading many books about this spellbinding period of ladies in waiting, knights in shining armor charging into battle, nobles, peasants, clergy, kings and queens, princesses and princes, castles and castle sieges, jousting tournaments, feats, and the code of chivalry.  She loved going to the Renaissance Fair in upstate New York during the summer when the Medieval period and the Renaissance comes to life. She was motivated to write Lady Lucy’s Gallant Knight to entertain and educate children about the Middle Ages.

DNA PressDNA Press is a worldwide publisher dedicated to publishing fiction and non-fiction books. www.dnapress.com

Nartea Publishing is now a division of DNA Press, which focuses on the following:
children’s, fantasy and science fiction, self help, and sports & recreation.

Contact the author for any comments at her email address: KarenRita123@gmail.com
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