Karen Rita Rautenberg

Lady Lucy's Gallant Knight Links & Resources

For Lady Lucy’s Gallant Knights Gallant Knight
Information/Stories on the Middle Ages
Medieval Europe for Kids  - all about the people, places, events, and life during medieval times.
The Medieval Lady - description of all facets of the medieval woman including girlhood, marriage, childrearing, possessions and entertainment.
Middle Ages - learn about knights, castles, clothing, history, food and other aspects of the Middle Ages.
Good Masters!  Sweet Ladies! - Voices From a Medieval Village by Amy Schlitz, winner of Newbery Medal 2008.


Buy LADY LUCY'S GALLANT KNIGHT in paperback directly from Karen Rita's website. Just email karenrita123@gmail.com. It will be sold at a discount from its regular price of $7.95. Your book will also be autographed. Postage is additional.

You can also order the book at Amazon.com.

Click on the links on this site for lots of fun and information.

Contact the author for any comments at her email address: KarenRita123@gmail.com
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